Friday, 31 January 2014

Up to Renaio

Two days ago we had frosty morning and a fine day - not yesterday or today when we have had a lot of rain. the rime on the plants gave some lovely sparkly effects in the early sun.

Although the little hamlet of Renaio features in our conversation a lot, as it is a good point from which to head off up into the hills, we realised that we have only walked there once, and that was during our first visit, for four days in 2012.  Normally we drive to Renaio and walk from there.

Sadly, the old Renaio road, which forms parts of trail on foot, has been recently hit by a frana (landslide).  During the night of 19th January , the hillside gave way, and at Piaggiagrande, one house collapsed and another was tilted over holus-bolus at a crazy angle.  Fortunately, no-one was hurt.

On taking advice from some men working on the road, we took to the woods for a while to circumvent the frana, as the missing part of road was part of our trail.  The landslip itself was rather shocking and unsettling, and the various strange effects on the landscape suggested an earthquake than anything.

Perhaps the BBC have been reporting another dramatic event of this sort, this time in the Italian Tyrol - you can see it here

The weather clouded over as we walked, and by the time we had reached Renaio, and were homeward bound, it had started to snow, gently and wetly.

A grand morning, but it was not to last
A closer look ... 
The frana seen on the left of the house
Another angle, showing the collapsed house at the back

No through road ...
A rare piece of grass getting the manure treatment
A cute young sheep-dog - any guesses at the breed?

The sheep he was meant to be tending - any guesses at the breed?

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