Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Back at the chestnut woods of Sillico

Monday was another grand day, and so we headed for Sillico.  After a cappuccino in the walled town of Castiglione, we headed up the narrow road to Sillico, squeezing past some serious roadworks being done to repair recent landslides.

The crocuses were magnificent, many more than last year, and with the hellebores and primroses made a very spring-like scene.

After our walk, we went past the hot spring, and warm lake - the Pra di Lama - which actually has a large modern spa building nearby - sadly, an unfinished project.  Last year in early February, we were observing mating toads clustered around the warm water inlet despite snow lying around. This year, only swarms of hyperactive tadpoles were to be seen!

Simple picnic - bread, prosciutto, pecorino - at Sillico
Crocuses in abundance ...
... and hellebores pushing up through the chestnut leaves ...
... and a few earth-stars, the first we've seen
At the chestnut kiln
The placid waters of the Pra di Lama, still very much a winter's scene

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